Instructions on How to Make a Polymer Ball from Liquid Latex and Vinegar:

NOTE: This procedure should be done under a fume hood or in a well-ventilated area.

  1. Measure approximately 15 mL (1 tbsp) of liquid latex rubber into a marked plastic cup.*
  2. Pour 15 mL (1 tbsp) of water into the liquid rubber and stir to mix.
  3. Using a dropper, slowly add 15 mL (1 tbsp) of 5% acetic acid solution (household vinegar) to the latex, while continuously stirring.
  4. When the mixture takes on the consistency of "rubber," remove it from the cup. Hold it under running water and shape into a ball.
  5. Pat the ball dry and bounce it on the table top.
  6. Save for activities.

*Prior to use, the 15 mL mark can be determined by adding 15 mL of water, (measured in a graduated cylinder) to the cup. The level can be marked, and the cup emptied and dried.