Procedure for Making a Polymer Ball from White Elmer's® Glue-All and Borax Powder:

  1. Measure 30 mL (2 tbsp) of glue into a plastic cup with the 30 mL level marked.*
  2. Add approximately 1 gram (1/2 tsp) of Borax powder to the glue.
  3. Stir vigorously until the mixture clumps and sticks to the stirring rod or stick.
  4. Remove the clump of polymer from the stick. Hold it under running water and shape into a ball.
  5. Pat the ball dry and bounce it on the table top.
  6. Save for activities.

*Prior to use, the 30 mL mark can be determined by adding 30 mL of water, (measured in a graduated cylinder) to the cup. The level can be marked, and the cup emptied and dried.