Millions of Styrofoam cups crash to earth each day. Find out why they are here! And learn what other popular objects are made from polystyrene!
Kevlar saves many lives every year. Did you realize that it is a part of the nylon family?
Excitement and adventure wait in molecular exploration of everyday polymers! Go with a brave crew of microscopic astronauts into the heart of the polyester galaxy!
What mind could compose such great molecules as those in parachutes and pantyhose? We may never know, but here is a provocative look into how it might have happened.
Did you know that some polyvynils will go on producing a chain indefinitely? If only the monomers run out in time, then the world might be saved from the endless chain!
Rayon used to be made of flammable Cellulose Nitrate, now it is made of other forms of cellulose.