Bubble Bombs

Author: Jeff Feidler: Deleware Polymer Ambassador

About the Demo:
The PVC pipe apparatus generates heavier than air bubbles that quickly drop to the ground. Assemble the pipe sections to resemble the apparatus seen in the picture below. For ease of loading the soda bottle, I attach the top 1" of a peanut butter jar to the side of the bottle with a sealant. The wide mouth of the jar allows the vessel to be quickly filled and sealed. Overlapping sections of two soda bottles can also be used for the demo. A paper towel or similar material should be placed at the top end of the pipe to hold the bubble solution.

Getting Ready:
When purchasing balloons, buy large balloons if available. Fill the balloons with dry ice before the class or program begins. Balloons are easier to fill if a wide-stem funnel is placed into the balloon. When ready, tie off the ends of the balloons and place in the warmest parts of the room.

In this demo, any discussion of the demo should occur after the first balloon bursts. Ignoring the balloons until the first pop adds to the interest of the demo. Remind students not to pick up any of the dry ice that may fall to the floor.

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