Bubble Fountain

Author: Jeff Feidler: Deleware Polymer Ambassador

About the Demo:
This demo can be used to show the rapid release of carbon dioxide from dry ice. This process is known as sublimation. At atmospheric pressure, dry ice changes directly into the gaseous state bypassing the liquid form. The addition of dish detergent causes the capture of the escaping gas into soap bubbles.

Getting Ready:
Attach the closed ends of two #10 cans using sheet metal screws. Cover the screw heads with a sealant to prevent leaks. Place the cans inside a large tray to capture excess soap bubbles. Allow ample time to boil water prior to the demo.

While introducing the demo, add one or two cups of dry ice to the can. Lightly cover the ice with detergent. Start the fountain by adding one cup of boiling water to the can. Allow students to feel the bubbles only after instructing them not to place their hands inside the can. This will prevent their hands from coming in contact with sharp metal edges or material having an extreme temperature.

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