Candle Staircase

Author: Jeff Feidler: Deleware Polymer Ambassador

About the Demo:
Is Carbon Dioxide heavier than air? In this demo, a sea of carbon dioxide gas extinguishes a series of candles placed at various heights. The demo is also useful when studying combustion. Works well in the dark!

Getting Ready:
Cut a series of steps in a small piece of wood. Drill a hole equal in diameter to the candles being used in each step. Place short candles in each step. Locate a large clear vessel. Tall aquariums work well. Try to keep the height of the tallest candle to half the height of the aquarium.

Place the steps in the container and light the candles. This is a good time to discuss combustion. Add a layer of dry ice to the bottom of the container. Allow time for the first candle to go out. Discuss what is happening while the others are extinguished. The demo "Frozen Bubbles" can be done using the carbon dioxide in the tank immediately after this demo, just remove the stairs.

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