Frozen Bubbles

Author: Jeff Feidler: Deleware Polymer Ambassador

About the Demo:
Ordinary soap bubbles will float on the layer of carbon dioxide gas trapped in a large, clear tank. Over time, the air inside the bubbles will be replaced by the carbon dioxide gas causing them to sink to the bottom. As they rest on the ice, they will freeze. When picked up, they will melt in your hand. Using water to speed up the sublimation, will also cause the carbon dioxide layer to appear white. This makes it very easy to recognize the boundary layer with the atmosphere.

Getting Ready:
This demo is best presented at the same time as the candle staircase demo. Simply remove the stairs from the tank and begin the presentation. For better viisibility, a small spotlight can be placed on top of the tank to illuminate the bubbles.

Begin this demo by allowing a student to blow bubbles into the tank. Various bubble makers can be found in toy stores. In discussing what is going on, it is important to call attention to the differences of bubbles at various levels in the tank.

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