Welcome to the Polymer Science Learning Center

The following is a small portion of the content available on the Polymer Science Learning Center website at http://www.pslc.ws/. It's a tour of just the Macrogalleria and sections there. Many of the links and pages are not active and others have been modified. This is so you can see just a little of what we have to offer at the PSLC. Some links have been converted to small pop-up windows with a brief description of the page that would connect with that link on the actual page. Once the content of these pop-up windows has been reviewed, close that pop-up window so other pop-up windows may be viewed.
For your convenience, this tour has been set up in two ways. First, you may explore the site, clicking links from one page to another as listed below.
A linear tour has also been designed to take you through the highlights of the Macrogalleria. Use the small buttons located at the top and bottom of each page to open the next page (the first of these is on this page). Use your browser's "Back" button to return to pages you have already viewed. The sections of the site you will view are listed below.
Something to be aware of: I've just updated all the pages in the tour. You may see a much older version of a given page in Italian but don't be alarmed: the actual pages in the English version are up to date. Thank you, and enjoy the tour.

Welcome to the Macrogalleria Tour
