We hope that you enjoy these pages
and have fun learning !
We created these pages with you in mind - so that you can have fun with your students, teaching them science through the content of fire prevention and firefighting. We encourage the use of our content (in any format) for nonprofit, educational activities. Please credit "Polymer Science Learning Center" and include a reference as follows: Polymer Science Learning Center, Title of Page, [complete URL], Accessed Date: mm, yyyy, dd.
Our material must be used without alteration, and such use does not abrogate or diminish our copyright in any way. Our material may not be sold, used for commercial purposes, or to endorse any product.
Be sure to check out the teacher's notes for information on safety for each activity, as well as how the activities fit in with the National Science Standards.
Students and Everybody Else
We really hope that you enjoy learning about polymers that save lives in fire prevention and firefighting.
Be sure to follow all safety instructions and precautions very carefully when you do any of the activities.
Also, if you use our materials in any of your work, be sure that you cite us properly with the web page and date accessed.
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