Grading Policy

Below you will find the point valeus that each assignment is worth, as well as the values for each section. You will also find how you will be penalized for poor safety practices and preparation. Pay attention to where the big points are in each assingment, and be sure not to skimp in those areas. Enjoy!

Methods Report

One Methods report will be due each week in lecture on the Monday following the lab work.

Section Point Value
Why skill is important 10
How the data was aquired 10
Hard data 10
What the data means 20

Lab Module Report

You will write one of these reports per module. They will be due on the Friday after the module is completed.

Section Point Value
Format 10
Introduction 10
Calculations, Experimental,
and Observations
Results and Discussion 50
Conclusions and References 15


One ten (10) point quiz will be given each Monday at the beginning of the lecture period.

Techniques Grade

The techniques grade will be worth 100 points per semester and includes many things: being on time and prepared, pree-lab quizzes, procedure, safety, and lab technique. Five (5) points will be deducted from your initial 100 point grade for each infraction. Warnings will be given initially; repeat offenders will be penalized harshly.

Final Exam

One in-class final exam will be issued at the end of the semester, and will be worth 200 points.

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