Internet Resources and Activities:

Activity #1:

Using the PolyLinks Web Site (

  1. Find information in the commercial section on one polymer you are familiar with and one polymer that is unknown to you.

    This information should include the following:

    1. Name of polymer.
    2. The name of the company making the polymer.
    3. Uses for the polymer.
  2. Find information in the recycling section on recycling.

    This information should include the following:

    1. Name of the company.
    2. Location of the company.
    3. What plastics/polymers does it recycle?
    4. What are some end uses of the recycled materials?
  3. Find information on associations.

    This informations should include the following:

    1. Name of the organization.
    2. Address of the organization.
    3. Phone number of the organization.
    4. Purpose for the society or organization.
  4. Search for 3 colleges that have strong polymer science programs and write down all the information that you find in the listings.

Activity #2:

Visit the Plastics Museum in Italy ( by clicking here and then on the United States Icon on the Web page. Using this Web Site:

  1. Visit each of the seven rooms and record the following information for an item from each room:
    1. Name of the item.
    2. Resin used to produce it.
    3. Date of item's production.
  2. Find the description of the plastic that made up each of your items from another spot on this site.
  3. Download the picture of your favorite item and save it to the class disk. A slide show will be made of all the pictures and it will be shared with the class.

Activity #3:

Visit either the Plastics Museum again or the GE Plastics Page (, and collect information to write (using the computer) a one page paper on the history and properties of polymers.

Activity #4:

Visit The Introduction to Polymers book site ( and read about polymers. You may see questions from Chapters 1, 2, or 3 on the test at the end of the Unit or on the final examination.

Activity #5:

Visit the PolyLinks Web Site ( and copy the slime recipe to try in the laboratory with the teacher's approval.

Other Polymer Related Sites to Visit: