Lesson 2

Surfing the World Wide Web

The use of the internet is increasing exponentially. People get on the web to search a specific topic and three hours later wonder what happened with the time and what they started searching for in the first place. It is easy, very easy, to get lost while on-line. The great thing is that you can direct your learning. Instead of instructor lead teaching you are participating in self directed learning. You follow the path you direct. Therefore, you probably will retain most of the information you see. My point is this, if you get on the web you can search the topics that interest you and learn as much or as little as possible. Well, enough about that.

Here we Go!


For starters, lets look at why someone would access the web. It is my belief that people go to the web to get information. This is what you would call "Content" in a web page. That is the main thing people are looking for the "stuff".


Now, how to display the content so people will want to look at your site in depth upon their first visit is a whole other part of the puzzle.
That's what we will call Presentation. The way others see your site will affect their opinion of your content.

So, you want to carefully decide the things you want to include in your presentation. I am a Graphic Designer, I am trained to know how to make something work visually. Most of you probably have not been formally trained in this area. However, you do know what you like, right?

      I mean when you go to get ice cream at the store. You know what flavors you don't like. So you toss those, and narrow it down to the top two or three. Then you decide between those, or maybe you just get a triple scoop. Anyway, my point in this little analogy is that you have the ability to see things you like by looking and eliminating those things you don't.

      You don't have to be a graphic artist to know what you like. Here's the trick, go to the web and "surf" around, by topics or whatever, just look around and see what appeals to you. If you like a site bookmark it. You can always go back.

      • Write down why the site appeals to you.
      • What do you like about it?
      • What don't you like about it?


Next, animations - I find that most animations are quite anoying when presented on a main page. I really hate those advertising banners that are animated. I can really do without that! There are effective places to present animations. If you are trying to demonstrate a process or something like that. Anyway, it is your page do what you like. Keep it to a minimum and you will probably be o.k. Simplicity rules!

Download Time

Download Time - This could break you. I mean How long are you willing to wait for a page to download? I think the latest suggested size is anything below 15K. Over that and people have to wait too long, and they will probably leave your site before they really get a chance to see what you have to offer. Keep it Simple!


Images - Images can be great if they are used properly. See if the sites you like use their images effectively. What types of images would help your presentation. Simplicity is also a rule here. If you go overboard with images people might get lost in the pretty pictures and never see the content.

General Effect

General Effect - What I like to call GE. If you were ever in Drum Corps you will understand. The general effect of a page is just that. What you see overall.

Keys to Effective Presentation

What you really need

What you really need to design a page others can use and enjoy is this:

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