Lesson 3

Site Organization

This lesson will focus on what pages lool like behind the scenes. No, I am not refering to the html code. What I hope to help you with is seeing how folders, and pages are set up on the server. Maybe this will help you more in the future if you begin to write more pages. Remember, style is hard to backup and change, and to be honest who has the time or desire to change the folders and pages and all of the links that connect to and from those pages? Not me, I've got to produce pages on a regular basis from 8-5 and when I go home I've got three babies screaming for my full focused attention. Once they are in bed, the last thing I want to do is get on that stupid computer and think about making corrections.
On to the lesson.

Here we Go!

Files on a server and how they work

Now, I am going to assume that you are not going to be the system administrator for the server you are working on, so I will leave out setting up the server for web use. That would take at least another lesson or two.
If you look at the top of the page you will see the server domain name followed by a / . This denotes a folder or a page on the server is to follow. It is called the pathname.
For example:
at the top of this page, unless I moved it you can see that the URL is:
If you break down the long address you can imagine how these folders are sitting on the server.
The server_domain_name is: www.psrc.usm.edu/
The path names beyond that address show this:
the first folder is:
      • Write down why the site appeals to you.
      • What do you like about it?
      • What don't you like about it?


Next, animations - I find that most animations are quite anoying when presented on a main page. I really hate those advertising banners that are animated. I can really do without that! There are effective places to present animations. If you are trying to demonstrate a process or something like that. Anyway, it is your page do what you like. Keep it to a minimum and you will probably be o.k. Simplicity rules!

Download Time

Download Time - This could break you. I mean How long are you willing to wait for a page to download? I think the latest suggested size is anything below 15K. Over that and people have to wait too long, and they will probably leave your site before they really get a chance to see what you have to offer. Keep it Simple!


Images - Images can be great if they are used properly. See if the sites you like use their images effectively. What types of images would help your presentation. Simplicity is also a rule here. If you go overboard with images people might get lost in the pretty pictures and never see the content.

General Effect

General Effect - What I like to call GE. If you were ever in Drum Corps you will understand. The general effect of a page is just that. What you see overall.

Keys to Effective Presentation

What you really need

What you really need to design a page others can use and enjoy is this:

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