The objective of "How Polymers Work" is to inform and entertain audiences ranging from grade school kids (who aren't afraid to ask) up to those of us who think we know things (and usually don't want to expose our ignorance). Pages are written in plain english accompanied by selected graphics.
Links will be made back and forth between "How Polymers Work.", the Macrogalleria (and other sections of the "Polymer Science Learning Center"). When you come across a polymer or concept in other parts of the site, we'll make a link back here with a question like, "Have you ever wondered what those recycle symbols really mean anyway?"
The questions tackled deal with issues and occurrences we encounter in everyday life. Students typically think of the really good questions only after the teacher has left the classroom. This site gives them a chance to ask those questions out of class. When finished, "How Polymers Work" will provide answers to some of those questions and stimulate further learning through links to other sites and pages. We will also have a question submission form so we can respond quickly to pleas for help.
Pages currently on-line:
Pages under construction:
Why classic movie films need preservation and restoration
Forensic scientists, superglue, and fingerprints
What contact lenses are made of
Flame resistant polymers
Polymers that fly: from frisbees to space ships
Legos and plastic robots
Spider silk: the strongest polymer known (and why)
Stitching up wounds with polymers- the new "bioadhesives"
Continue your tour by clicking the "Contests" link on the menu bar
on the left side of your screen.
Copyright ©1998 | Department of Polymer Science | University of Southern Mississippi