New York Price for Plantation (Natural Rubber)
Ribbed Smoked Sheets

Price ($/lb)
Price ($/lb)
1914 - 1922 1.02 0.115
1923 0.356 0.253 0.295
Period 1924 0.385 0.185 0.262
of 1925 1.12 0.35 0.725
Stevenson 1926 0.855 0.36 0.485
Plan 1927 0.415 0.330 0.377
1928 0.375 0.165 0.225
1929 0.244 0.161 0.205
Period 1930 0.158 0.081 0.119
of Free 1931 0.082 0.046 0.061
Market 1932 0.045 0.027 0.034
1933 0.088 0.029 0.059
1934 0.155 0.099 0.129
Period of 1935 0.132 0.114 0.123
Inter- 1936 0.20 0.149 0.164
national 1937 0.241 0.146 0.194
Rubber 1938 0.169 0.116 0.147
Regulation 1939 0.215 0.158 0.177
Agreement 1940 0.221 0.191 0.201
1941 0.231 0.199 0.224
1942 0.225 0.225 0.225
1943 0.225 0.225 0.225

From Frank A. Howard, Buna Rubber: The Birth of an Industry. New York: D. van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1947.

Figures from U.S. Tariff Commission Report No. 6, September, 1944.

Copyright ©2000
Polymer Science Learning Center and the Chemical Heritage Foundation with a fellowship from the Société de Chimie Industrielle (American Section)