Polymer Science Learning Center
Pages under construction:
What is a non-Newtonian fluid and why?
Why classic movie films need preservation and restoration
There are polymers in my shampoo!?
Forensic scientists, superglue, and fingerprints
What contact lenses are made of
Flame resistant polymers
Polymers that fly: from frisbees to space ships
Legos and plastic robots
Spider silk: the strongest polymer known (and why)
Stitching up wounds with polymers- the new "bioadhesives"
NOTE: Questions are not answered on demand as in time sensitive situations such as for research in reports or projects. Which questions we tackle and how quickly we answer them is at the discretion of the Polymer Science Learning Center.
We will consider all relevant questions which pertain to the topic of "How Polymers Work."
e-mail your comments
and suggestions.